When you’re not available, your voicemail is the first communication a prospective client hears. An expertly crafted professional voicemail message can make or break an opportunity for your business.Â
Aside from simply making sure your system is configured to accept voice messages, you will want to optimize your recording for maximum results. If your current recording says “leave a message at the beep,” you’re missing out on extending your brand message and leaving a positive impression on your customers. Read on for tips for validating your business’s credibility.Â
Our Top Tips for Creating A Professional Voicemail Message:
1. Let Your Caller Know You Care
Recognition is a great tool to show a potential customer that you care about them and what better place to start than with your voicemail. You want to either thank them for calling or apologize for missing their call and set expectations for what happens after they hang up – will their call be returned shortly? Within a business day? Common courtesy goes a long way!Â
2. Cater to Your Audience
Your voicemail greeting doesn’t need to have a one-size-fits-all approach! Consider recording several different messages based on where the call is coming from; an internal-only message for those calling within your office, a client-facing greeting for prospects, one if you will be out of the office for an extended period of time, etc.Â
3. Keep It Short and Sweet
There is nothing worse than having to wait on the phone to talk to a voicemail recording. Don’t lose potential customers by boring them with a long, drawn-out message. Short and sweet voicemail messages are best, 10 to 30 seconds should be suitable for most voicemail needs.Â
4. Limit Background Noise
Whether it’s the bustle of cars outside or chatter in the office, any type of noise in the background of your greeting (other than your voice) sounds highly unprofessional. Try to find a quiet place where you can record your message and listen back for any subtle background disturbances.Â
5. Write & Rehearse
Not everyone can create a spectacular, unscripted professional voicemail message on their first try. That is why it is crucial to write your message down before hitting the record button. Also, consider rehearsing your message out loud a few times to get a feel for how it will come across to listeners. Once you’ve done this, you should be ready for your big debut!Â
6. Identify Yourself
It might seem obvious, but it is important! If someone is calling you for the first time, they may not know if they reached the correct number or if they reached the right extension. Be sure to introduce yourself so your customer is crystal clear that they connected with you – or so they can hang up and dial the right number!Â
Examples of A Professional Voicemail Message
For customers:
Hello, thank you for contacting [business] (you may consider briefly describing your organization, but it should not be longer than a few seconds). Our office hours are [time and days of week]. If you are calling after our business hours, please leave a message with your name and contact information. We will return your call within [timeframe] and look forward to speaking with you. Have a great day!
For your internal employees:
Hello, you’ve reached [name and title]. I’m away from my desk and unable to answer the phone right now. Please leave your name and reason for calling and I will get back to you within [timeframe]. (If there is another employee the individual can reach out to in the meantime, you should leave their information here.)Â
If you still find yourself struggling to record an engaging professional voicemail message, don’t worry! CloudWorx, our cloud-hosted VoIP solution, offers message greetings recorded by professional voice talent, so you don’t have to settle for a weak voicemail recording.Â