How to Conference Call on an NEC Phone

how to conference call on an nec phone

With your NEC phone it is possible to have more than one caller in a session. With this Telephone Quick Tip we’re showing you how to conference call on an NEC phone. This is a simple, practical solution to hosting a three-party phone call.

How to Conference Call on An NEC Phone

In our instructions we’re going to be using an NEC 9100 system, but this will work with phones in the NEC 8100 system.

  • With the caller on the line (you either made the call or received the call), press the CONF button in the lower left corner of the screen.
    • This step is the most important because you don’t want to place the caller on hold. You will not be able to engage a conference call if you do this.
  • The line will start blinking to let you know the caller is in a holding pattern on the conference line.
  • You can now dial in another caller by hitting an open line and dialing the phone number. You can also dial an extension if the third caller is internal.
  • Once the number has been dialed you will notice ADD appear in the lower left of the phone screen.
  • Press the ADD button and both lines should be flashing to show they are both in a holding pattern within the conference call.
  • In the lower left of the phone screen, press the BEGIN button that has appeared.
  • All parties are now active within the conference call.

Video Instructions: How to Conference Call on An NEC Phone

To see these instructions in action, watch our video below where Carlos walks you through the steps. You can leave your questions in the video comment section or leave suggestions for future tutorials that would be helpful to you.

We have tons more NEC phone tutorials and tips on our Youtube channel. Please make sure to subscribe to our channel. For more information about your NEC phone, check out our manual page to find your phone model.

If you’re one of our customers and have any questions, reach out to our support staff for assistance.

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