analog vs voip phone: a woman smiling using her business phone

Analog vs VoIP Phone System: Keep the Perks, Not the Irks

August 18, 2016

The decision to upgrade, be it a routine software update or a complete tech overhaul, can be a daunting one. Perhaps you’re worried that making a change could result in more losses than gains, or maybe you’re simply afraid that an analog vs VoIP phone system will be too confusing to transition to. No matter what’s causing your nerves, it’s okay! It’s natural to be apprehensive about forks in the road.

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mobile voip user

5 Big Wins for Mobile VoIP Users

August 12, 2016

Picture this: you are the proud owner of a new VoIP business phone solution. You’re still learning the ropes, but you and your staff are all getting the hang of it together. You’re pleased with what you’ve reaped so far, but as your comfort with your new phone system increases, you want to make use of every benefit your VoIP provider can give you.

One add-on that’s really picking up steam is none other than mobile VoIP, a cost effective feature associated with your recent upgrade. Here are 5 benefits that your business phone solution can boast:

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on-premise vs cloud based hosted voip phone system

On-Premise vs Cloud Hosted VoIP Systems

July 25, 2016

Are you wondering what an on-premise vs cloud based VoIP phone system can offer your business? Since working from remote locations has become a commonality, especially since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, it’s now a staple of modern business dealings. From virtual appointments and meetings to online training events, this is the time to explore what benefits an on-premise vs cloud based VoIP phone system can offer your business. 

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voip business systems: 3 reasons you should have switched yesterday

VoIP Business Systems: 3 Reasons You Should Have Switched Yesterday

June 27, 2016

VoIP, Voice over Internet Protocol, is basically using your internet connection to power your phone service. Advanced hosted telephone technologies offer many advantages over the traditional phone system, leading to its increasing popularity among business owners. You may be wondering how VoIP can benefit your bottom line. Here are three reasons you should consider switching your small business telephone system.

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Small business voip: work from anywhere

4 Questions To Ask When Considering A Small Business VoIP Solution

June 15, 2016

Did you know that the majority of small-to-medium sized business (SMB) owners are behind the technology curve when it comes to small business phone systems? With a properly integrated small business VoIP communications system, small-to-medium-sized businesses can increase efficiency, boost productivity, and effectively scale future growth.

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What is voip technology: how it works

What is VoIP?

May 5, 2016

A quick Google search for “what is VoIP” yields results with words such as circuit-committed protocols, discrete packets, IP telephony, and audio codecs. You may be asking yourself, “what does any of that mean”?

When you’re busy running a business, you want to find the best solution for whatever issue is at hand without getting a bigger headache along the way. In this article, we are going to break down the ins-and-outs of VoIP and how this solution can help your business communicate effectively – no Advil needed.

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